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The best for you and your baby...

Our services

With our brand new ultrasound we promise you the best quality in your pictures. We offer 2D/3D/4D/5D ultrasound and gender revealing ultrasounds.

Birthing class

At our midwifery practice, we offer birthing classes hosted by experienced midwives. Our classes provide parents-to-be with the knowledge and confidence needed to prepare for the birthing process, empowering them to make the best decisions for their individual situation.

Pre or post birth interview

For women who have had a traumatic pregnancy, birth or breastfeeding period. Or want an interview before giving birth

Breastfeeding class

As an IBCLC I can give you the best tools to prepare for your breastfeeding journey. Starting soon!


Acupuncture for pregnancy problems like nausea, carpal tunnel syndrome, pelvic pain and to help induce labour naturally

Parents meeting

 A perfect place to meet with your newborn and meet other moms and their babies

Antenatal meetings

Meetings for women due at a simular time. A wonderful evening with education, snacks, gifts and great companionship


3D ultrasound*            18.990 kr

2D ultrasound(gender)* 14.990 kr

Interview*                   18.990 kr

Acupuncture*                9.990  kr

Antenatal meeting          4.990  kr

Parents meeting             4.990  kr

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Lífsgæðasetrinu (St. Jó)
Suðurgötu 41
220 Hafnarfirði

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